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What an incredible experience ⭐ ​ ​

Earlier this year we were asked if we'd like to participate in @nakedwines first ever TV ad. We were told there would be speakers, loud rap music and a really cool, vintage truck. ​ ​

So of course we said yes! ​ ​

For us, 2022 year marks ten amazing years with Naked Wines. Way back in 2012, we could have never imagined the amazing journey that lay ahead. ​ Wine is our love. It's the life we've chosen and it makes us happy (almost) every second of the day, but none of our achievements would have been possible without the kind support from each and every Angel. ​ ​

It's been a blast meeting so many of you on all the winemaker tours, making wine for you each and every year, and getting to chat with you all individually about them. Naked Wines has certainly disrupted the traditional wine sales channels and we're so glad they have, because it's given us the chance to meet and chat with so may of you. ​

It's also really pushed us out of our comfort zone and allowed us opportunities we never thought possible, and we're so very grateful for it - never in a million years did we think we'd ever be in a TV advert and now, more than 2 million bottles later, we're still here, making wine for you all and loving every second. ​

You've changed our lives. And we couldn't be more grateful. Thank you! ​

Here's cheers to many more amazing years ahead. See you on tour AU and UK! ​

​Adrian & Rebecca.​ ​

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